Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Thank you, Gracias, Merci for reading and responding. I know how evil blogging is, so thanks for taking time to read and write back. It makes me feel spethial. Heck, it's just a forum for us to chat and have it documented for the entire world to see. All 5 people in the population.

I got my keyboard swapped for a working one today - check it:
ppppppppppppppppppp ??????????????????????????????
Isn't it fabulous? Now I know it is true what they say: You don't know what you have until you lose it. Oh, letter p, it is so good to have you back: Welcome Home.

Last night, I watched Batman Begins. It is the best of the Batman movies so far - a great mix of story, action (although I question the camera work - is there really a need to follow every movement in the action sequences?), and of course, gadgets. It makes me want my own Kevlar suit and all-terrain Batmobile. The danger? Driving back to my hotel at 85mph after a rush of adrenanline. Don't worry, I actually drove at 65mph because I saw a car with flashing lights its roof.