Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Oh, a TITLE!

Stalking is no longer and art, as it is made easy with all the online-friendship-school-interest networks budding up. Finding someone's personal information (phone number, college, location, bra size) can be as simple as typing their name at,,, and of course, Google. I will be first to admit that when I get bored, I have typed in the names of anyone and everyone who comes to mind, just to revel at how ingenius (injeanneous!) I am to have found them on the Internet. And then I'll send an email to Shanty about it. And if it's really juicy, Anjum gets one too.

I just spent a good 30 minutes doing the above described actions, shamelessly. I have come across some very interesting individuals. Again, I am not ashamed.

Movie Review:
If you're idea of a good movie is excellent cinematography, phenomenal acting, and questionable subject matter, 'Secretary' is the perfect movie. I LOVED IT. It stars James Spader and Megan Jlylhshahhallll (Jake Jylenenelahahahallll's sister). If you are not so much into stories about sadomasochistic tendencies and bothersome relationships, please skip this one. If you're still curious, l'll tell you more.